Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Day 46, 47 - Studying for Finals

These past two days have been spent mainly studying for finals. Aside from studying and class I've done a few things but not much!

On Monday, I went and met a friend of mine at a cute little coffee shop tucked back in an alley near Ewha Women's University and we talked and drank coffee there for a while. It was fun!

On Tuesday, I went on a frantic journey all around the Yonsei campus trying to find a place where I could print off an assignment due for class the next day and for some reason every place with a printer closes super early!

While I was running around campus, I discovered something: Yonsei University has a huge radio telescope. I'm not sure how I never noticed this before... it's gigantic! What's even weirder is that I walk past this telescope nearly every day and I just now noticed.

A huge radio telescope!

Both of the last two days have been very rainy and dreary outside, so it's not too bad that I've had to do so much studying since it wouldn't be too enjoyable to go outside anyway.


The friend of mine that I had coffee with on Monday used to work for an English-speaking radio station in Korea called Arirang Radio and she told me that she could get me on a short segment on the morning talk show! I talked to the radio station today so I'll be on the radio tomorrow at 7:40 am (Korea time)! I'm super excited!

If you want to listen back in the US, here is a link to hear the radio online:

For those in the US, I will be on sometime around 6:40 PM on August 7th.

That's all for now!

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