Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Day 30, 31 - Boryeong Mud Festival

I'm still waiting for my friend to upload the pictures he took at the mud festival, because all of my pictures on a disposable camera! I'll post about it as soon as he sends me the pictures!

In the meantime, here are a few pictures from the trip that I took on my phone instead of the disposable camera:

Two of my friends sleeping on the way down to Boryeong (we had to wake up at 5:30 am!)

A rest stop we stopped at in Pyeongtaek (평택)

The tent city that we camped in just 100 feet from the beach in Boryeong

In the process of setting up our really confusing tent with the aid of a nice Korean man from a neighboring tent.

Checking out the beach early in the morning on Sunday while the tide was out. It went out really far, like 300 feet!

I'll make a real post later when I get all the pictures from my friend, which will include pictures of the mud festival because he had a waterproof camera case.

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